Bryan Kudela


So my good friend Rick Sturckow from Cal Poly (and one of the prime team members from the previously shown 1981 Riverside World Championship Class 7 win in our Cal Poly Toyota with Roger Mears at the wheel) went on to be a Marine Corps F-18 pilot - flew many missions in Afghanistan - Top Gun - became a test pilot -flew over 60 different types of aircraft - and eventually ... if you are one of the best at all of that ... you become an astronaut! Colonel Fredrick W. Sturckow flew 2 shuttle missions as a pilot and 2 as the Commander helping to build the International Space Station. After NASA he went on to be a flight test pilot for Virgin Galactic ... I could go on! So one day we realized he would be flying in some specialists to Edwards Air Force Base for the day and had some time to kill ... and we happened to be testing with Team MacPherson that week out in nearby Barstow. So he and fellow astronaut Jerry Ross (then already with 7 space shuttle flights to his name) grabbed a car after they landed and headed out to the test area for a ride with Jeff Lewis in the MacPherson Trophy Truck ... still in their NASA jumpsuits! As much as they enjoyed the rides ... the MacPherson crew enjoyed their stories of how rocket launch G's kick you in the butt while heading into space! It was some awesome bench racing!

Bryan Kudela, Rick Sturckow, Jeff Lewis, and Jerry Ross.

Bryan Kudela, Rick Sturckow, Jeff Lewis, and Jerry Ross.


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A few comments on my business philosophy here at LANTERNMARK are in order for those who might be interested. While I will only express a few ideas on the subject here, I consider one's outlook on life to be of great value. Often it is more important than any other information.

When my first company Light Racing was originally created, my hope was that it would provide a unique platform from which vision and inspiration might be encouraged to thrive. While this sounds trite, we rarely make the decisions that allow for this to happen, or even nurture the probability. Constant awareness of this goal is essential to me. Although the business medium through which we attempt to manifest this goal is of a technical nature, it should not be limited to, or measured by, technicalities.

The name LIGHT RACING was to be my constant reminder of this goal. The dual meaning of LIGHT representing both my desire and passion to produce the highest performing, LIGHTweight racing parts and vehicles, and the inspirational LIGHT which I am constantly striving to tap into in order to achieve the goals in my life. Surely you can relate to this through your own interpretations and life experiences.

In order to represent the LIGHT, I incorporated a lantern in my logo; a perfect symbol, combining my passion for the mechanical along with a temporary housing for the bright flame that is contrastingly intangible! Subsequently through the years, this symbol yielded a cherished lantern collection acquired from antique stores, garage sales, toy stores, and gifts from friends and family — often handmade and fantastical!

And so after 28 years when it came time to part with the name Light Racing for business reasons, the lanterns still remained … as well the intentions and goals that they represent. In order to “carry on the torch,” the name LANTERNMARK was created for my new company. LANTERN, again symbolizing the LIGHT, and MARK, as in “target” … TARGETING THE LIGHT! Still … and again ... and always … until darkness is abolished! Whew! I know … right?!

To me, business activities and decisions are not separable from other aspects of life. They necessarily include family matters, finances, relationships, health, world conditions, etc. Therefore, my business philosophy attempts to mirror my whole life philosophy. Success in any area is simply a by-product of a positive and complete attitude. It is not success that I hope for, but the "state-of-being" which automatically produces it. LANTERNMARK has been successful and I have realized and enjoyed all of the adventures. The celebration continues…

From The Heart,


Bryan J. Kudela

LANTERNMARK is particularly interested in any leading edge projects, inside or outside of racing, that require vision and promise a challenging life experience. We look forward to participating in your dreams and sharing ours!